Adult Program – Daytime
It’s a good way to get to know other club members and perhaps find some partners for the rest of the week. This runs from May to September, from 9 am to noon—stay for awhile or the whole morning. Everyone helps with refreshments these mornings. Let the Daytime Director know if you would like to pitch in.
May to June, 9 am to noon: This is an active group and we always have lots of members signed up for this league but if you would like to join, it’s never too late. We need captains to run this league successfully. Contact the Daytime Director if you are interested in being a Captain.
July to September, 9 am to noon: We will be playing round robins instead of the house league, as many members have expressed an interest in playing but find it hard to commit to the structure of the house league at the end of the season.
We need the help of many people to help make this the best season ever!
For more information, please contact dayprograms@centraltennisclub.com.
The Intercounty Tennis Association (ICTA) is made up of many teams throughout Toronto and the surrounding area. It is dedicated to the advancement of tennis and has teams at the Majors, A, B, and C levels. For more information, please visit the ICTA website.
The season runs from early May until late August on Wednesday mornings, 9 am to 1 pm. Generally, one week is a "home" game and the next week is an "away" game. Four doubles teams (8 players) compete each week.
The Toronto Ladies Tennis League (TLTL) offers competitive doubles matches during the spring. For more information, please visit the TLTL website.
Three doubles teams (6 players) compete every Wednesday morning, 9 am to 1 pm, from early May until late June. Generally, one week is a "home" game and the next week is an "away" game.
Also run through the Intercounty Tennis Association (ICTA). This is a daytime mixed league for players over the age of 55.
The season runs from early May until late July on Thursdays, 10 am to noon.
Each team is made up of 1 men’s doubles, 1 women’s doubles and one mixed court. 6 players compete each week.
For more information, please contact teams@centraltennisclub.com.
Adult Program – Nighttime
Evening mixed-doubles house league runs every Wednesday from 7 to 10 pm. Signup is required.
If you are interested in helping run the evening house league, please contact evehl@centraltennisclub.com.
The Intercounty Tennis Association (ICTA) is made up of many teams throughout Toronto and the surrounding area. It is dedicated to the advancement of tennis and has teams at the Majors, A, B, and C levels. For more information, please visit the ICTA website.
Central Tennis Club members at the intermediate-to-advanced level are encouraged to try out for these teams in April. Tryout dates will be posted on our website when available and at the clubhouse.
Each inter-county team has 12 players per fixture (8 men and 4 women):
3 men’s doubles teams (6)
2 mixed doubles teams (4)
1 ladies' doubles team (2)
B teams play on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 11 pm and the A and C teams play on Thursday evening from 7 to 11 pm. The season begins in early May and runs until late August. The schedule alternates between "home" games and "away" games.
For more information, please contact teams@centraltennisclub.com.