Fees and Registration
Adult: $110
Adult Inactive: $30
New Adult: $140
Junior: $50
Payment of membership fees must be by credit card.
Membership fees are not refundable.
If you cause an error while using your credit card and your error results in Central Tennis Club being charged a fee for your error you will be required to reimburse Central Tennis Club.​
E-Transfer payments will NOT be accepted.
Note: If a person is 18 years of age on January 1st, 2024, that person is considered to be an Adult by Central Tennis Club.
Returning Adult Membership
Registration starts February 1st
Registration ends February 29th at one-minute before midnight
New Adult Membership
All new adult membership applications are currently subject to a waiting list (more information below) because our club has reached its maximum adult membership limit of 350.
Central Tennis Club is a community tennis club, subject to all the regulations of the City of Toronto.
Under these regulations, a community tennis club is allowed to limit membership. The City of Toronto's requirement is a minimum of 100 club members per court..
Central Tennis Club has three courts, therefore, we are required to register a minimum of 300 members - our club exceeds this minimum and has a limited its Adult membership to 350.
Adult Membership Waiting List​​
Each person may place their name on our Waitlist only once. Duplicate names will be deleted.
City of Toronto requires community clubs to prioritize City of Toronto residents over non-City residents.
To place your name on our waitlist, please go to: https://www2.tennisclubsoft.com/central/home/reportView.do?id=510
Offers of New Adult Membership
The number of annual adult membership vacancies to join our club will be known on March 1st, after the registration of returning members is completed.
Offers of membership are made to those who have been on our waitlist the longest.
Returning Junior Members
Registration starts February 1st
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be contacted via eMail to register for the 2024 season
New Junior Members
Registration starts February 16th
There is no waitlist for junior membership.
Junior registration continues throughout the season until Junior membership capacity has been reached.
A Junior member must be at least 6 years of age and no more than 17 years of age as of 12:01am January 1 each calendar year.
Our tennis club uses a "Family-based membership structure" where all your family members reside under one "family account".
Registering a New Junior Member to the club requires Parents/Guardians to:
Create a "family-account" with the club; the Parent/Guardian will be the main account holder and primary contact for the "family account"
Parent/Guardian will subsequently register their child(ren) into the "family account" regardless if the Parent/Guardian is/isn't an adult member of the club
How-To-Sign-up a New Junior Member
- All Parents/Guardians must sign-up their children via https://www2.tennisclubsoft.com/central/ ​
- Non-member Parents/Guardians must start the "family account" creation process by clicking the PURCHASE MEMBERSHIP link/button situated beneath the Central Tennis Club logo found at the top-left corner of the club system page
(N.B.: If you already have a "family account", then, jump to Step 2 below) - LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT, then, follow the instructions after clicking the large oval PURCHASE NEW MEMBERSHIP link/button found on the right-side of the "Welcome Your Name" webpage​
- Non-member Parents/Guardians must start the "family account" creation process by clicking the PURCHASE MEMBERSHIP link/button situated beneath the Central Tennis Club logo found at the top-left corner of the club system page
- If you need additional assistance with the sign-up process, please contact Mary, our club's Junior Program Director, via juniors@centraltennisclub.com
- All Parents/Guardians must sign-up their children via https://www2.tennisclubsoft.com/central/ ​
Junior Program
Central Tennis club invites parents/guardians to register their children as junior members and to take part in our junior tennis programs. (See above for the age limits)
Junior Program Registration for Spring Clinics will open on February 16th at 00:01 hr.
Space is limited – Sign-up early – Don’t be disappointed.​​​
For more information, please visit our Junior Program webpage: https://www.centraltennisclub.com/junior-program
Updated: February 20, 2024