Junior Program
A Junior is anyone between the age of 6 and 17 years old on January 1 of the current year. Juniors are given priority-booking Mondays to Fridays, 4 to 6 pm. During non-prime hours and exclusive of scheduled events, all members (adult and junior) have equal tagging privileges. Adults Prime hours are Monday to Friday, 7 to 11 pm, Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, 8 am to 1 pm.
Juniors must be Central Tennis Club members to participate in any program.
Returning junior member registration opens on February 1 of each year, while new junior member registration opens on February 16 of each year. Please refer to the Junior Member Registration section on the Fees and Registration page for any updated information on dates and process. Our Junior Director will let you know how to become a member if you are not one yet.
The Junior Program at Central Tennis Club is one big PARTY!
Central Tennis Club offers Spring, Summer, and Fall clinics. Our most popular is our Spring clinic and we often have a waitlist. To avoid being disappointed, sign your junior up early.
Have a blast at the Junior Opening Day, the Parent & Child Tournament, and the Junior Club Championships! All events include games, round robins, refreshments/pizza, and prizes at no extra cost! All levels welcome. Pre-registration is preferred to purchase food and prizes.
Team tennis is a lot of fun and competitive. Come to the tryouts in April! Intercounty Tennis Association (ICTA) matches begin in May. The team plays away alternating Saturdays, 9 am to 1 pm.
Your participation makes the Junior Program fun. Come down and participate in some or all our activities. It’s a great way to have fun and meet new friends.
Club members: Are there any other activities you would like to see, or programs you would like us to offer? Questions?
For more information, please contact juniors@centraltennisclub.com.
Junior Clinics
Junior Clinics are for Central Tennis Club members only.
All clinics are group lessons with focus on skills development. Lessons have a maximum of 8 juniors per clinic (a waiting list will be kept), there are 3 sessions per season (Spring, Summer, and Fall clinics), and each junior is allowed to register in one clinic only per session. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and payment by credit card is required at time of registration. If a particular clinic registration is full parents can still register to be on the Waitlist. "Beginner" implies little or no previous tennis lessons/experience, "Intermediate" implies at least 2 years of lessons/experience, "Advanced" implies more than 3 years of tennis lessons/experience. All lessons taught by Club Pro, Stan Palmateer.
Keep in mind, if you are not in a clinic, Court 1 is available for all juniors to play games.
Note: No make-up days for rainy days and refunds are subject to bank transaction fee penalty. Classes or students may be reassigned to accommodate the skill level of the junior.
Central Tennis Club 2024 - Junior Program Schedules
Spring Clinics
Mondays: April 29, May 6, 13, 27, June 3, 10, 17, 24
3:15 pm 6-8 yrs Beg/Int
4:15 pm 9-12yrs Beg/Int
5:15 pm 13-17 yrs Beg/Int
Tuesday: April 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18
3:30 pm 6-8yrs Beg/Int
4:30 pm 9-12yrs Beg/Int
5:30 pm 9-12 yrs Int
Wednesday: May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, June 5, 12, 19
4:00 pm 9-12 yrs Int/Adv
5:00 pm 13-17 yrs Int/Adv
Thursday: May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6, 13, 20
4:00 pm 8-12 yrs Beg/Int
5:00 pm 13-17 yrs Adv
Summer Clinics: TBA
Fall Clinics:
Tuesday & Thursday (4-6pm) in September
Junior Opening: Saturday, May 4th (2-5pm) (rain date 11th)
Parent & Child Tournament: Sunday, June 16th (10am-1pm)
Junior Club Championship
Saturday, June 22 (12-6pm) (rain date 23rd)
For more information, please contact juniors@centraltennisclub.com
Junior ICTA Team
Weekly games, alternating between Home/Away locations each week.
Saturdays, late-April to late-July, 9 am to 1 pm, competitive doubles and singles play against other local tennis clubs. Involves travel to local clubs every other week (arranged by Club). Practices mandatory, every Friday from late-April to late-July, 4 to 6 pm. Both girls and boys welcome to the tryouts.
Important 2024 Dates & Times for the Junior Team:
Junior Team Tryouts: Friday, April 12 & 19 (4-6pm)
Junior Team Practices: Friday, April 26th until end of July (4-6pm)
Junior Team Games: Saturdays (9am-1pm) TBA
For more information, please contact juniors@centraltennisclub.com or our Tennis Pro, Stan Palmateer at racquetmagic@yahoo.ca.
2023 Junior Calendar (N.B.: 2024 Updates Coming Soon!)
Junior Opening Day: Saturday, May 6, 2–5 pm (rain date: Saturday, May 13, 2–5 pm)
Junior Team Tryouts: Fridays, April 14 and 21, 4–6 pm
Junior Team Practice: Fridays, from April 28 to July 28, 4–6 pm
Junior Team Games: Saturdays, from May 13 to July 29, 9 am–1 pm
Junior Club Championships: Saturday, June 25, 12–6 pm
Spring Clinics: see above
Summer Clinics: N/A
Fall Clinics: Tuesdays and Thursdays in September, 4–6 pm
Parent & Child Tournament: Sunday, June 18, 10 am–1 pm
Junior Closing Day: Saturday, September 23, 11 am–2 pm​
Note: All dates subject to change.
For more information, please contact juniors@centraltennisclub.com.